She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
- Proverbs 31:25
All Women of Calvary are welcome to join us as we pray for God's will to be known and His presence to be with us, as we seek to lift up the needs of the body of Christ.
- Please join us.
- Please join us.
Our Women’s Ministry is dedicated to instructing and encouraging women of all ages in their walk with the Lord. It is our desire that we assemble together as women to:
Worship the Lord
Grow in knowledge and practical application of the word of God
Grow in our personal relationships with the Lord
Fellowship and grow together as sisters
As we do these things we will be strengthened and built up in our faith so that we can go back into our homes, workplaces, and community equipped to be an influence for the Lord Jesus.
“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies”
- Proverbs 31:10
“You have an enemy…and he is dead set on destroying all you hold dear and keeping you from experiencing abundant life in Christ. What’s more, his approach to disrupting your life and discrediting your faith isn’t general or generic, not a one size-fits-all. It’s specific. Personalized. Targeted.”
Ministry Leaders:
Mary Bofill
Linda Jacob
Bible Studies on Thursdays at 6:30pm
Worship the Lord
Grow in knowledge and practical application of the word of God
Grow in our personal relationships with the Lord
Fellowship and grow together as sisters
As we do these things we will be strengthened and built up in our faith so that we can go back into our homes, workplaces, and community equipped to be an influence for the Lord Jesus.
“A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies”
- Proverbs 31:10
“You have an enemy…and he is dead set on destroying all you hold dear and keeping you from experiencing abundant life in Christ. What’s more, his approach to disrupting your life and discrediting your faith isn’t general or generic, not a one size-fits-all. It’s specific. Personalized. Targeted.”
Ministry Leaders:
Mary Bofill
Linda Jacob
Bible Studies on Thursdays at 6:30pm